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Promoting Ballroom Dancing - any ideas?
Posted by Ballrmdanceaddict
9/4/2003  11:40:00 AM
I have been ballroom dancing for almost a year now, and I have noticed that I am well below the average age of the dancers at both my studio, and any social event that I have attended (I am 25 btw).

A big part of me wishes that I would have started earlier, and in addition wishes that there were more people my age who were into this. I have gotten comments from a number of people saying that I should do something else that involves more people my age. The issue with that is that I love ballroom dancing too much to stop .

Rather than gripe about it, I want to see if there is anything that I can do about it. There has to be other people out there like myself who have no idea about ballroom dancing, but would love it if they tried it. I have considered taking this up with the studio that I go to, but I don't know exactly what to propose. Does anyone out there have any ideas? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
re: Promoting Ballroom Dancing - any ideas?
Posted by Preston
9/8/2003  5:55:00 PM
Thanks for your comments, Kevin. Good point about risking the amateur status, I hadn't realized that.

Here in London the Salsa crowd (18+ only) gets to use some nice mainstream night clubs. There is normally a moderate entrance fee to compensate for the fact that dancers don't buy many drinks. Entrance to a smart Salsa night typically costs from £5 to £10 ($8 - $15), and most people seem happy to pay it since they won't be needing much money for drinks...

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